BFG performing at the Made@MCAD exhibition opening, May 9, 2012. Photo by Jon Berglund
BFG performing at Memory Lanes, Minneapolis, May 6, 2012
This is what our website looked like in 1999. We were one of the first (#47!) bands on the now defunct website.
Basic Food Group website, as it existed in 1999.
Announcement for our CD release, 1998. design: Rik Sferra
Licensing page for compositions from “Three Squares”
BFG performing at The Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, November 17, 1998. Photographer unknown.
Poster for an early performance, c.1998 design: Rik Sferra
Packaging for our limited edition demo, when we tried out “The Tricycle Quartet” name. design: Rik Sferra
Packaging for our limited edition demo, when we tried out “The Tricycle Quartet” name.
Early version of BFG: Mike Bruns, Rik Sferra, Hall Sanders, Todd Larson. Performing at the Main Street Music Festival, Minneapolis. Prior to 1993.
Todd Larson, Rik Sferra, Hall Sanders, Mike Bruns.
Todd Larson, Rik Sferra, Hall Sanders, Mike Bruns.
“Set List” for an early performance of the original Basic Food Group, March 6, 1987