Basic Food Group Repertoire as of May 2024

  1. A Day at the Hysterical Farm (Three Squares CD version)

  2. Android Fandango (demo version) (December 2019 version)

  3. And What Do You Call This?

  4. And What If I Was

  5. As the World Falls Apart

  6. Better Luck Next Time

  7. Beware the Cartoon Mouse

  8. Boot Me Up!

  9. Born Out of a Dream (Three Squares CD version)

  10. Bump

  11. Climate-O-Fear

  12. Clock Thang

  13. Conceal & Carry Johnny (Pack Jack)

  14. Coppin’ that Sex Buzz

  15. David Crosby’s Pantry

  16. David’s Buffing Up

  17. David’s Buffing Up (Vocal)

  18. Deep Red Throbbing Q (Three Squares CD version)

  19. Don’t Say Like That! 

  20. Donde esta la Biblioteca?

  21. Drive into the Canal

  22. Emancipated Women in Bondage (1997 demo version) (Three Squares CD version)

  23. Entering the Days of Lawlessness

  24. Flower of All, The

  25. Foreboding Futures (Three Squares CD version)

  26. Fun Lies

  27. Hairdo Fingers

  28. Hey Where You Going With That Monkey?

  29. Hang it Here

  30. I’ve Seen Deadwood & I’ve Seen Mine

  31. Ice Cream Headache (demo version)

  32. The Incantations and Ritual Dances of the Prelude to the Man with the Goofy Head (Three Squares CD version)

  33. It Jit Code Outside

  34. Jump on the Buzzard

  35. Labor Day

  36. Let’s Get Gone!

  37. LuAnn Goes to Denver

  38. The Man with the Goofy Head (Three Squares CD version)

  39. Maureen’s Mangled Mariachi Music

  40. March from the Opera “Love of the Three Oranges” (Three Squares CD version)

  41. A Minimum of One

  42. Medley: Sabre Dance / Frankenstein

  43. Mumbly Shub

  44. Oh Come Ye, Long Expected Slumber

  45. Ona’s Midnight Romp (1997 demo version)

  46. Plump Feather Accident

  47. Potty Mouthed Parrots

  48. The Salman Rushdie Boogie

  49. Slaves to Our Own Impulses

  50. Sludge Muffin

  51. Speed Punk (demo version) (Three Squares CD version)

  52. Squiggles Enters the Room

  53. Stuart’s Left Hand

  54. Suburbs (Revisited)

  55. Tango Me This (Three Squares CD version)

  56. Terry’s Big Dance Number (12/26/18, mix 06/15/20)

  57. Theme for an Imaginary Love Boat (Captain Stubbing)

  58. Theme for Mary Lucia’s Radio Show

  59. Theme for Mary Lucia’s Radio Show (Vocal)

  60. Too Juan Pinque (2-1-Pink)

  61. Totally Construed

  62. The Unchecked Caprices of Sleep

  63. Trendy Chemical Amusement Aid

  64. Wait a Minute, I Didn't Order That (Second Serving)

  65. Wanda’s Gag

  66. Weakened with the Folks

  67. What A Day I’m Having!

  68. What You Are or What

  69. What’s Your Metaphor

  70. Whilst I Pontificate

  71. Yeah, You Bet!

  72. Yoko Ono’s Tupperware Party

  73. You Bet Your Sweet Aspic